Library Laptop Loaner Program

Note: If you have self-disclosed to the College that you are a Special Populations student, please request to borrow a laptop using the Lending Library Online form found here:

Special Population Students include:

  • Individuals who are Economically Disadvantaged (receiving any cash assistance including PELL)
  • Individuals with Disability
  • Individuals preparing for non-traditional field (a student in a non-traditional program who has chosen to enter training for a field that is dominated by persons of the opposite sex, such as a male in nursing or a female in automotive technology)
  • Single parent, including single pregnant women
  • Out-of-Workforce individuals
  • English Learners (primary language is not English or limited ability to write or understand English)
  • Homeless Individuals
  • Youth who are in or have aged out of the Foster Care System
  • Youth with Parents on Active Duty in the Armed Forces

All other students should apply using the Loaner Laptop application below:

Laptop Loaner Program Application and Agreement

  • Southern Crescent Technical College (十大网赌平台推荐) maintains a limited pool of loaner laptops that may be requested by 十大网赌平台推荐 currently enrolled students who do not have a laptop for academic use.

    The laptop computer, computer charger brick, charger cord and carrying case are the property of Southern Crescent Technical College, 501 Varsity Road, Griffin, Georgia and is herewith being loaned to the student for educational purposes only for the academic term of the agreement. Students may not deface or destroy this property in any way. Inappropriate material on the laptop may result in the student losing his or her right to use the laptop. The equipment will be returned to the school at the end of each term or sooner if the student is discharged from school prior to the end of the term.

    Device: HP 255 G7 Notebook

    Available laptops will be issued on a first come, first served basis.

  • Applicant Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • 0 of 9 max characters
  • (Your 十大网赌平台推荐 Student email address, ending in
  • Note: Only provide College issued student email address.

  • Note: Proper justification is required to be eligible to receive a laptop.
  • Student Responsibilities

  • Your laptop is an important learning tool and is for educational purposes only. In order to utilize this laptop, you must be willing to accept the following responsibilities:

    • I know this computer is on loan to me. All college and TCSG policies, procedures, applicable laws and the Network and Internet Policy must be followed. I understand that any violation could result in the forfeiture of the computer for my use.
    • I will treat the laptop with care and will be responsible in using the laptop, preventing damage to the laptop.
    • I will not loan the laptop to others; it will stay in my possession at all times, protecting the laptop so that it is not lost or stolen.
    • I will not add or delete any software from the laptop and I will comply with all copyright laws.
    • I will not remove or alter the laptop label or the inventory number.
    • I will not give personal information when using the Internet.
    • I will not attempt to make any repairs to the laptop.
    • I will return the laptop in good condition at the end of each term.
    • I understand laptops that are not returned may be reported as stolen to the 十大网赌平台推荐 Police Department.
    • I understand that misuse or inappropriate use as determined by college personnel may result in any and/or all of the following:
      • Cancellation of access privileges and/or loss of computer privileges
      • College disciplinary actions including civil or criminal liability under applicable laws

    Special Note: Students must save work onto a removable device. No accommodation can be made for recovering data left behind on the laptop once it has been returned.

  • Submitting this application means that I accept the terms and responsibilities of this agreement

  • As set forth in full in the Student Handbook/Course Catalog, Southern Crescent Technical College is an Equal Opportunity Institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.